Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Dear Furball!

"Choose me", plays into my left ear
... alternate..
"Kiss me", plays into my right ear
Our entire meeting was a coincidence.
I took flight; naturally.
And just in case I was spotted, I wore naivete as a camouflage.
For all I knew I could be wrong.
I ran to everything I already knew.

You bring in the new... challenge me.
You bring out my truth.
I dare to unlearn.
Bold enough to think it would be a breeze
That I would cruise through it with ease.

When lightening strikes I run to you.
Not the lightening that flashes across the sky kind
I mean the monsters in my mind.

You twinkle like star in the night within me.
consistently we exchange light.
I'm tired of being in flight.
It took two cheesy songs to get me here.

*no time for pretending*