Do we really know anyone? Do we know ourselves? Is it others who shock us or is it we who shock ourselves through others? It gets interesting really because for everything we can point in the next person, the same can be pointed back at us? The sad thing about being human is we are element of both the external and the internal.
For some reason we rush ourselves into things, we fall in the heat of the moment and do not realise the implications, or the magnitude of our actions, words and thoughts. One may even question, do we think things through, or are we ever completely honest with and to ourselves? How do we let people love us, yet deliberately repel those people from us when they want to show us they love us in every way, when all they mean to say is “ I do not want you to go through this alone” or “let me help you up/through this”.
To truly be engaged in something, one must show commitment, one must have follow-though, free of a guilty conscience, free of inhibitions, and doubts. One must be assertive in one’s endeavours, relieved of thoughts of what ifs or rights and wrongs. It takes processing and a lot of conviction, it takes guts, uncertainty and leaping, but what it shows is so far more greater, what it projects in us: an aspiration and elevation of sorts is so much more worth it; SELF KNOWLEDGE.
Man knows no allegiance to anyone but himself, but his conscious self knows the importance of connecting, or barriers put down and openness in communication. It is not that one be judgmental with one’s self, but one ought to relax the tension on playing it safe, or thinking we have it all under control, sometimes it is OK to obey. Not obey as in bow down to the dictatorship of another, but obey and let go of OUR dictatorship. The lengths we go to in our minds, the extents to which we let ourselves stoop, are known only to us, hence only we can redeem ourselves off of them.
Be able to ask “please do not let me fall”, be able to say “ I am not strong enough” and “ I am in need”, one who pays attribute to these only in terms of defense has still a long way to go. There are people who openly trust, accept, love and are without judgement and it is these people who know their higher mission in life.
Everybody is born both good and bad, yet it takes the conscious mind to be righteous and strive for righteousness, now for one to wholly embrace does not make one deserving of being treated as an off load. They neither ought to be passive-aggressive, feel owed anything, nor obligated. There are boundaries that must never be crossed, these are the boundaries of dependency and boundaries of aligning our internal functionality as an attribute of the external.
In real life, hints are missed or ignored, unacknowledged even, lest they are identified as hints. With our level of sophistication, we cannot act, learn or fully appreciate something while hidden behind hints, especially as adults. One must learn to be vocal, direct and honest without being patronising, condescending or vulgar.
We all fall under emotional subjection from time to time, but we must be very aware of how we allow these emotional episodes to transfer to others, or how they influence and or affect others. our intelligent selves know INNATELY that to get what we want, we must also give it. To see changes in our situations, we must first be the change. We must be assertive and deliberate in our due course and we MUST give ourselves the time and the push we need because it is very easy to hide behind self pity and a victim mentality.