Good morning to where have you been?
Good riddance to the “what-the-hells” that have been!
Good tidings to the when’s that are to be!
Your today’s past seemingly distort, now shaped a relief to have escaped, rebirthed as a diamond from the rough, how beautiful you now are!
Mistake no longer shaped as such, except maybe a miss take on things as they stood.
Not “if only I knew then what I do now” rather I’m glad I know now what I didn't then for the paint is clearer, and the heart more matured.
The statured balance, fulfilled testimony, anointed union of a lot more than; body meets soul meets mind but an equilibrium between spirit and dust, this body I dwell!
A flower that continues to blossom, bloom brighter and more enchanted.
Simply expressed, it stands to always get better.
For that is the way with Universal glory.
Smiles and glowing hearts reflected beyond view tucked so deep within.
Faces and eyes telling truths that cannot be put into words.
A passion fuelled by fires that can only burn more fierce and humble.
Non destructive to what it touches but revitalising and enhancing to the divinity of the source of all!
That which we see by a mere look into the horizon and into a mirror!
An utopia, sought and touched, better with every dawning day for as long as the faith still sustains, and the vow upheld to live to the utmost and show gratitude to the gifts of life and the power in self! For in truth...WITH FAITH IT ONLY GETS BETTER!!!