First and for most all men are idiots...ok let’s not be harsh....they're children and like a two year old you always have to do everything for them, even thinking! They must be taken care of, they must constantly be reprimanded and it’ll always be the usual: “but what did I do?”
We only wish we could shake the stupid out of them, we wish we could knock some reason into those...”but i don’t get what the big deal is?!” mentalities of theirs?!
To them we will always be blowing things out of proportion, we’ll always be the unsolved mysteries... but really women are like cats, rub them up the right way, give them the right amount of attention, and give them enough space when it’s time to and they will purr with pleasure.
But this is not about women, men ARE children, who must ALWAYS be treated, pampered, given credit but conducted with the right level of firmness without being too rigid. Every man wants a woman he will be able to respect yet still feel equal to, treat like a queen but still feel king of his domain. Have his macho tantrums but always be brought down to size without a bruised ego...hell why do you think we call’em baby, is not just a pet name!!!
The mystery to the opposite sex is not so much a mystery, truth is not matter how much humanity evolves, men will always remain traditional, hence why each and all of them wants to marry his mother( not meant literally, just in case), his mother is the perfect model of what a woman should be or-in some instances- should NOT be, now with things made that simple, look at how our mothers are in contrast to us, and we say men have no recognition for us...on the contrary, they notice and scrutinize every last detail, hence why the prerogative to call us whatever because in truth we give them that freedom in the ways we so loosely conduct our own selves!
Simply, the idiots guide to men is this; embrace, nurture, embody and be a true reflection of what the essence of a woman is. With each stride, sway of the hips and how you breast hang and believe it or not with the purity of your heart, strength of your mind and tenacity of your crown (womanhood). There really is no formula to men, because they are not at all that hard to begin with. Just over-grown babies with deep voices (well some of them, ;) ...)