Wednesday, July 15, 2009


If this were any more bizarre I think I’d be in a sweep of a much more catastrophic and destructive lapse of sanity. I would in fact be rowing up and down in a daze of melodrama far worse than I already have succumbed.

Sweet sweet, tender, soft and intense, intoxicating, devilish, consuming, and ALLURING who the hell are you? Born under my star born supreme and regal and charming beyond what is considered right, too sexy to make any logical sense, too hypnotic to resist and too beautiful to forget? I saw myself in those messed up brown-stained eyes or perhaps just stolen in the prospect of something new and different. Something foreign, enchanted and…only a teaser! Ya maybe that’s all it was...INTRIGUE!

Bodies spoke of sins screaming desire, lust and want hindered only by principle and a heart not so distant, trusting and keeping faith in fertility. Kept with each step taken outside the door, each sms and every phone call made if only the reality were that simple and true.

In that time, while she was being faithful a bit of you was being stole, owned by another too fast and too extreme to define, yet making an impact and impression too potent to resist... how dare I come into the picture and force you into confusion a heart’s want and need versus a heart’s keep, how dare YOU come into my picture and infatuate my heart, moulding yourself in a mind that battles to forget?

I can only imagine the place you are stuck in, that sets your heart ablaze. The distinct guilt and sense of defeat; overpowered by this new developing feat. This new intensity and truth in spite of the odds that stand, only now very, VERY sad because we embarked on a start that derailed us from the preferred finish.

Now, begins this long road to letting go and letting be that this little "almost" precious has lived its day and embrace that little period of intoxication for what it was; unspoilt and untainted perfection...but forbidden!
Despite how strong the chemistry is that lies so undeniable between us, the fact of the matter is we are obliged to bring to a close… this!!!

Because regardless of how extreme it is, it does not override the inevitable and fact of the matter: YOU MUST GO BACK TO HER...while all I have to hold onto is memories and wondering what could have become from the little bit I got to enjoy. Caught me out of sight!

the universe grants moments, sometimes in passing, sometimes to be repeated

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